So what to plant in September?
Next experiment… what can you still grow at the end of the season? Planted on the 5th of September: winter spinach, musterd leaf, turnip and red lettuce. 11th of september 17th of september 27th of september
Next experiment… what can you still grow at the end of the season? Planted on the 5th of September: winter spinach, musterd leaf, turnip and red lettuce. 11th of september 17th of september 27th of september
Look how they are growing. The date is 22nd of june. Better then the ones I’ve planted in the ground. I guess they get more light this way.
Hey, want to see how they are growing after 2 weeks. Take a look! [slider interval=”5000″ animation=”fade”][slideritem title=”strawberries after 2 weeks” image=””][/slideritem][slideritem title=”they’re all growing well” image=””][/slideritem][slideritem title=”greener and greener” image=””][/slideritem][/slider]
Checking on my vertical garden tube and strawberry plants today a little friend came to visit us: a bumble bee. This is good news. We need bee’s for the pollination!
Today is a historic day for me; I’m planting the first plants in the tube. Last week I picked up 2 prototypes at dragon Plastics and they look great. I decided to go for strawberries because they really thrive if the fruit is hanging. So I got 3 bags of soil, over 45 plants and …
Planting strawberries in the first vertical garden tube Read More »